Audi 100/A6 + 1. Maintenance instruction - 2. Maintenance - 2.1.2. Regular maintenance 2.1.3. Each 15 000 km of run 2.1.4. Replacement of engine oil and filter 2.1.5. Check of brake overlays of forward brakes 2.1.6. Check of drain channels before a windshield 2.1.7. Dumping of indications of the sensor of maintenance 2.1.8. Each 12 months 2.1.9. Check of stekloomyvatel 2.1.10. Check of adjustment of headlights of head light 2.1.11. Greasing of loops and locks 2.1.12. Check of level of electrolit in the accumulator 2.1.13. Check of the module of memory of EBU 2.1.14. Check on existence of leaks 2.1.15. Verification of the content of antifreeze 2.1.16. Replacement of spark plugs (model on etilirovanny gasoline) 2.1.17. Check and replacement of maple driving belts 2.1.18. Check of brake system 2.1.19. Check of system of production of the fulfilled gases 2.1.20. Check of elements of a steering, suspension bracket and semi-axes 2.1.21. Each 30 000 km of run 2.1.22. Check and greasing of the mechanism of the top hatch 2.1.23. Replacement of spark plugs (model till 1993 of century, unleaded gasoline) 2.1.24. Level of liquid of system of adjustment of height of a back suspension bracket (91 g of century) 2.1.25. Check and replacement of a multiband driving belt 2.1.26. Replacement of the fuel filter 2.1.27. Replacement of the paper filter 2.1.28. Check of a sheeting of the bottom of a body 2.1.29. Check of level of AKPP liquid 2.1.30. Check of level of liquid of the main transfer (model with AKPP) 2.1.31. Check of level of MKPP oil 2.1.32. Each 60 000 km of run 2.1.33. Replacement of the air filter 2.1.34. Replacement of spark plugs (model since 1994 of century) 2.1.35. Level of liquid of system of adjustment of height of a back suspension bracket (from 92 g of century) 2.1.36. Replacement of a driving belt (4-cylinder engines) 2.1.37. AKPP liquid replacement 2.1.38. Replacement of a gas-distributing belt 2.1.39. Each 2 years 2.1.40. Replacement of brake liquid 2.1.41. Replacement of cooling liquid + 2.2. Models with diesel engines + 3. Engines + 3.2. Diesel engines + 3.3. Removal and partition of engines + 4. Cooling system + 5. Heating and ventilation + 6. Fuel system + 7. Exhaust system + 8. Systems of start, ignition + 9. Transmission + 10. Brake system + 11. Suspension brackets, steering + 12. Body + 13. Electric equipment + 14. Good advice
1. Lift a forward part of the car and establish it on support. |
2. Examine boots and covers on existence of cracks or wear tracks. |
3. On models system of the hydraulic booster of a steering examine hoses and system tubes, and also their connection on existence of leaks. |
4. Undertake a wheel from above and from below and try to shake it. If the free wheeling is too great, ask the assistant to squeeze out a brake pedal, and again shake a wheel. If the free wheeling decreased or was gone, means, it is necessary to replace bearings of a nave. If the free wheeling remained, means, connections or suspension bracket fastenings are worn-out. |
5. Undertake a wheel on each side and try to shake it. Too big free wheeling can be caused by wear of bearings of a nave or spherical hinges of steering drafts. |
6. Check a condition of plugs of fastenings of elements of a suspension bracket. |
7. Lower the car on the earth and turn a steering wheel on 1/8 turns in both parties. If the free wheeling of a steering wheel is too great, check hinges and connections of steering transfer. |
1. Examine shock-absorbers on existence of traces of leakage of liquid. If leak is present, it is necessary to replace the shock-absorber. |
2. Check efficiency of shock-absorbers, having shaken the car up-down. |
1. Lift a forward part of the car and establish it on support. Turn a steering wheel against the stop aside and slowly rotate a wheel. Check a condition of boots the CV JOINT, moving apart folds. Also check a condition and an inhaling of collars. |
2. Check a condition of hinges. For this purpose, holding a semi-axis, try to rotate a wheel. Then, holding the internal hinge, try to rotate a semi-axis. Excessively free wheeling testifies to wear existence in hinges, wear шлицов a semi-axis or weakening of a fixing nut of a semi-axis. |
3. Examine shock-absorbers on existence of traces of leakage of liquid. If leak is present, it is necessary to replace the shock-absorber. |
1. Check operation of all devices and electric equipment. |
2. Check accuracy of indications of sensors. Include in turn all elements of electric equipment for check of their work. |
Check steering and suspension bracket work. Check, that at movement there was no vibration or noise. |
Check operation of the engine, coupling, a transmission and semi-axes. Check, that at movement they did not publish unusual noise. |
1. Check, that the car did not pull aside when braking, and blocking wheels did not occur too early. |
2. Check, that the steering wheel did not shiver when braking. |
3. Check operation of the hand brake and a servoamplifier of brakes. For this purpose squeeze out a brake pedal several times and start the engine. The pedal should fall a little. Let's to the engine work some minutes and muffle it. Press a brake pedal. You should hear hissing of the vacuum amplifier. After several pressing it should stop, and the pedal to become much more rigid. |